Frantoio is a variety that has long been represented in the assortment. It is known for its medium-intensity spicy oil. Frantoio oil is very fruity and smells like freshly cut grass, green tomatoes, almonds, olive fruit, almonds… It tastes medium intense with a pleasant spiciness and bitterness. Its taste can be described as very harmonious and refined.
Vsa olja lahko uporabite pri: solatah, ribah, mesnih jedeh, belemu mesu, zelenjavnim in mesnim juham, mineštram, rižotam in seveda sladicami.
Olja se razlikujejo po pikantnosti, zato si lahko vsak potrošnik izbere svoje olje, ki mu najbolj ustreza (po pikantnosti in grenkobi) h specifični jedi.
Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.