Ste že kdaj obdarili svojega ljubljenega z medenim kruhom v obliki srca? Ta tradicionalna sladka poslastica je bila vedno ljubek simbol ljubezni in naklonjenosti. Lectarstvo, peka medenega kruha, je staro in priznana tradicionalna obrt Slovenije. heart-shaped gingerbread? This traditional sweet treat has always been a graceful simbol ljubezni and affection. Lectarstvo, a gingerbread bakery, is an old and renowned traditional handicraft of Slovenia.
Ginger heart makers in a workshop in the small town of Radovljica, are preserving the tradition, making around 100 hearts daily according by hand.
The tradition is believed to go as far back as the 14th century, the ginger heart making became hugely popular in the 19th century, when the hearts were a cherished gift among lovers.
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